Wednesday, June 04, 2008

About Love and Other Good Things

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. -- Marcel Proust

There is something I haven’t written about yet, but it is constantly on my mind. The reason I haven’t written about this subject – one that is very meaningful to me – has nothing to do with writer’s cramp or lack of interest. Rather, it is an issue with such a profound effect on my family and me that I want to make sure I put the right mix of words together because anything less just wouldn’t suit the circumstance.

As most of you know, my son is marrying the lovely Amber on June 30 in a quiet ceremony at sunset on a beautiful stretch of beach in Carlsbad. Driving around today in a misty rain and looking up at clouds that look more full and menacing than they really were, I was struck with the thought that we are in the midst of June Gloom in San Diego. Naturally this led me to the glass-half-empty thought that the weather will not cooperate to make their day more beautiful.

Just as I was having these thoughts, and having them on a spot of the freeway that just happened to be near the exact area where they plan to exchange vows, two weak clouds separated at just the right moment and a beam of stunning white sunshine burst through. And so now I know, San Diego will do its duty and provide a perfect backdrop for a perfect day in the life of my family and in Amber’s family. Aside from our house looking like a dress shop and having several thousand dollars worth of silk and taffeta charged to various credit cards and ready for return, it has been a huge honor to be part of the engagement and the wedding plans. The Boy came to me first to discuss the best way to go about finding and affording the perfect engagement ring. I took it as a hint that something was brewing.

Because I can’t keep any news, good or bad, to myself, I told Mrs. Laz who told The Girl who instantly went looking online for rings. She took it a step further the next day and went ring shopping on her own all over town. Within hours, she had found what she thought was a ring that suited Amber and had negotiated the price down to an acceptable range. She took a photograph of it and e-mailed it to The Boy who had to admit it was exactly what he was looking for and was sure it would be what Amber would want.

Only The Boy knows what was going on in his head, but what began as a finance and search query became a purchase so quickly that none of us know if he was just beginning to do one of his typical thoughtful research projects but got caught up by his family members so excited that they all wanted him to pop the question that afternoon. One thing I can report is when he and The Girl met me for breakfast and he opened a magnificent wood box to show me the ring, I have never seen such a proud and happy look on his face. I think he wanted to pop the question that afternoon, too.

He waited until he was able to do it his way and, needless to say, she said “yes.”

Our whole family could not be more happy that we will be welcoming Amber into our lives and even get the bonus of Dan and Jo-Jo, our soon-to-be in-laws. Amber lights up any room the moment she enters, is full of energy – the good kind of kinetic and infectious energy – and is full of love that she is so generous with to every member of our extended family and our friends. If I was ever going to do an evil genius imitation and draw up plans for a perfect partner for The Boy, she would look just like Amber.

I couldn’t be happier for both of them and count my blessings that the Cosmos sent such a perfect person into our lives. Live long, always stay in love and be well you two!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Kellen and Amber. May you be as happy as I have been the last 27 years.

I know your wedding will be beautiful. May you two be together for the rest of your lives.

Love Linda

Anonymous said...

It's so great that you love Your Ber so much. I wish you, The Boy and The Ber much happiness and a long life together. Please post photos of the wedding!

Anonymous said...

Wow!! The tears are flowing! I feel like the happiest girl in the world!! I could not have dreamed (or drawn) the most incredible Boy and Boy’s family that are soon to be mine!! I am so lucky and blessed to have such amazing people in my life and now as my family. Laz, you are very special to me and I thank you for ALWAYS being there for me and the Boy. Mrs. Laz is sooooo amazing that I could go on forever! And the Girl…who is soon to be my ‘”Sister” (which I am so excited about) is simply a Pirate Hooker (see I am definitely ready to be part of the family) and I love her to death. Thank you all for being so great and I can’t wait to celebrate!!! Here comes the bride. Yeah. Love ya Lots. Baci.

Laz said...

It seems like you could go on about Mrs. Laz but not me. Am I reading that correctly>

Anonymous said...

We do so love our Amber not only because she is so loveable but also because she loves our boy and that is so important to us. We are thrilled that you two have found the comfort and love for one another that you have and we know with the marriage around the corner your love will grow and evolve so much more. Be kind and caring with one another and know that you will always have family around you to love and support you. You soon will create your own family and we look forward to that growth but remember that you have the support of your parents and siblings forever, unconditionally.
Hugs and muah,
Mrs. Laz

Anonymous said...

And why shouldn't the girl go on and on about Mrs. Laz, she is really something don't you think so Laz!!!???!!!

Laz said...

OK, I was just jealous.

TSP said...

Well I didn't comment for a while, mainly because I was getting over the shock of finding out that all those times you told me you didn't like Amber you were just kidding! In all seriousness, I am extremely blessed to not only find such a wonderful partner in life but also have the love, support, and acceptance of my family. I am looking forward to bringing Amber into the Arno fold officially, and I thank you all for making her feel so comfortable. It should also be noted that I could not have asked for a better set of in-laws and I am excited to call Jo Jo and Dan my mother and father in law. Thanks again for all your support, for blessing us with many experiences and opportunities that allowed us to grow, and mom, thanks for getting that phone number from Robin.