When we last left our heroes, we were just arriving in San Diego. Some of us were full of angst and feeling a bit sorry for ourselves for having to leave friends and memories behind in Sacramento. OK, it was mostly me, but there’s no need to dwell on those character defects.
The family seems to be settling in fine: The Boy found a very nice condo in Encinitas and shares it with The Ber; Emily moved into our humble condo and immediately took over the remote control; and Mrs. Laz and I, after an exhaustive search, found a home worth buying (see photo) and we’re waiting for escrow to close the end of the month.
In the end, I guess we managed our transition down here with aplomb and even a bit of grace – words not usually associated with the greater Lazlo family.
The Big Deal that was mentioned in earlier posts did come through and kept most of us occupied to the point we had little sleep and little time to think of much else but the work at hand. Consequently I have been a non-existent friend to a few people who reached out and were ignored by me. Apologies go to Miss E, who made several valiant attempts to visit and converse only to be treated rudely by me; to Susan, who never reads this Blog anyway; and the Big Wopper, who probably needed me to be a better friend these past weeks.
One person who got snagged up by the Big Deal was Sladed, who started working with me and probably now wonders why I have been doing what I have been doing for lo these many years. Trust me, he saw things at their worse and, in a business that’s generally not a pretty sight, he saw it at its ugliest. Working together leaves less time for joint blogging and swimming, but we’ll figure out how to make time for each of these important parts of our lives. Also we have a lot of catching up on Guitar Hero.
So, finally a post filled with a reasonable amount of happiness and contentment; something we haven’t seen in these parts for a while. Maybe it’s in the air?