The democrats, especially those damned democrats, think the American public is stupid. And they’re betting on the fact they’re correct in their assessment.
Please follow their logic on energy policy. Their approach to solving our current, but neither first nor last, energy crisis is to do the following:
1. Place a “windfall” profits tax on oil companies that are mostly foreign now.
2. Go after “speculators” who invest their money in oil futures.
3. Encourage greater use of windmills and solar energy.
4. Block all drilling for oil in the U.S. and keep our nuke plants shut down.
The windfall profits tax they are peddling to America is the same that was peddled by Jimmy Carter in 1976 when gas prices were *gasp* surging past $1.00 per gallon. We were assured then, and we are now, that these taxes would not be passed along to the consumer. Now, what corporation does not pass all their costs, including taxes, on to the consumers? If you believe this, I have a Social Security “Lock Box” I’d like to sell you.
The only windfall that will occur in the passage of this shameless tax is to the government which is raking in a windfall off the doubling of the price at the pump. I can’t see how taxing, or even “punishing,” the oil companies does anything to alleviate the cost of filling up our cars even if the oil company executives take a vacation from their corporate responsibilities and eat the tax. But this move by democrats is intended for the public to feel better about getting even with those billion dollar evil corporations that are producing something we are ridiculously addicted too, and not to actually do anything to fix the problem. Now, do you feel better or just stupid?
After they have taxed us, err…. I mean the oil companies, they want to go after the heartless “speculators,” as they are called. An oil speculator is just like any other investor who risks their money betting which way the market will fluctuate. This is done for all sorts of commodities including just about everything we eat. Some days these investors win and some days they loose.
Those who are betting on oil prices to rise have been winning lately because they can read the newspapers and they realize that Washington is paralyzed. If nothing changes and demand continues for oil as does the unrest in the Middle East, they believe the price of oil will go up. If they thought politicians in Washington were acting as grown-ups, they may begin to speculate that the price will go down. But they have nothing to base that assumption on, so they will continue to bet on higher oil costs.
The democrats demeaning the speculators and offering really no solution to the crisis is feeding the speculation that prices will rise. I wonder if democrats actually are aware of their role in this and have investments in oil futures or if they area really that stupid. The jury is out.
Speculators exist across the board. They are betting gold will rise, they bet corn and sugar beets would rise when Congress placed mandates on ethanol mixes and even one of the democrats’ big heroes, George Soros, made nearly $1 billion speculating that the price of the Pound would drop and then did all he could to talk down the currency.
I’m not sure what they have planned for the speculators, but I’m speculating it will do nothing to address our long or short term energy problem. However, they area certainly expecting you to believe meting out punishment to investors will make you feel better.
Which brings us to their brilliant idea of getting more of our energy from windmills and solar. Only people who gave us ethanol and the ensuing food shortages and food riots could expect us to believe this is a logical way to replace fossil fuels. Based on the Department of Energy’s own statistics, we get less than 2 percent of our electricity from solar and wind and, mind you, none of this moves our cars around.
It would be wonderful to be able to get our energy from such things, but the technology is not where it needs to be to make this realistic. It would be great to have more funding for alternative fuels and energy and I fault Bush and his predecessors for doing absolutely nothing to encourage development of other reliable sources. We’re the most technologically advanced society but we seem to be sitting on our thumbs when it comes to real and practical innovation. For now, solar and wind only produce a needed counterbalance to the hot air coming our way from Washington and you’d have to be tilting at your own windmills to believe it will save us.
Finally, the issue of drilling and nukes. Yeah, I know, the caribou will be pissed. I was a lot more worried about how the caribou felt when gas was at $2 per gallon, but I am sufficiently bothered now that I don’t care what the caribou think. Round them all up and put them in a caribou show at Sea World, I don’t care, but let them know we’re moving into the neighborhood and we’re bringing unsightly drills.
We hear all the debate that places like ANWR won’t produce a drop of oil for 10 years or it won’t produce enough to make a difference. Well, that’s a great way to look at thing, isn’t it? In 10 years when gas and home heating are 10 times what they are now, will we still be saying we can’t drill for oil in ANWR or in the Gulf because it’s 10 years away? Maybe if we had begun drilling 10 years ago, we wouldn’t be having this crisis and I wouldn’t be up so late writing this shrill post.
If you are an environmentalist, please explain this to me: Why is it OK for every other country to be drilling for oil all over the world and it’s not OK for America to be doing the same? I really don’t see the outrage when they decide to drill in Brazil (in the Rain Forest, no less), off the coast of Viet Nam, all over the artic in Russia and Scandinavia, and even off the coast of Cuba. All this means is that we have to get all our oil from places that don’t much care for us and it has to be delivered to us on ships that have a lot more problems with spills than do the pipelines – pipeline technology, by the way, that American companies have perfected for foreign oil companies so that the current spill rate is non-existent.
As long as I have you environmentalists handy, what’s the deal with the nukes? It’s clean energy, especially when compared to coal, and it’s cheap. France does it, producing 85 percent of its electricity from nuclear plants, and you enviros love the French. Frankly the only problem I see with investing in nuclear fuel is that we haven’t graduated a nuclear engineer capable of running a plant in 10 years because there was no job market. We’ll have to import our engineers from France and our immigration problem is bad enough.
While I am aware that hundreds of republicans have done nothing to solve our energy crisis, including the current occupant of the White House, I still have to hand it to the democrats to come up with the least effective ways to deal with the problem. The trouble is, they, along with their supporters in the environmental movement, have been shoveling this crap at us since, well since gas prices were at 50 cent per gallon, and we’re living in a country they think is gullible enough to still believe them. And maybe they’re right, judging from polls. However, I think their rhetoric becomes more difficult to accept when oil costs are driving our airlines out of business, killing us at the super market and hurting those who can least afford to pay double for getting to work each day. I think it’s time to find a new movement for you environmentalists to get behind and let’s get our hands dirty digging for buried dinosaur juice.