Saturday, August 13, 2005

The Beginning

I was talking to a friend the other day and he said there should be a place to go to vent, rant, debate, talk, and drink beer. Sort of the Ol' Tavern from the Pre-Revolutionary days. Well, can't do much about the beer -- unless they've invented virtual beer; a bit of trickery I'll have to try -- but we can dedicate this space to sharing our thoughts and even mindless wanderings of friends and foes alike. And, if I get any friends interested in viewing this page, I can also include a "what I'm up to" section so they can live vicariously through me; or have the good sense not to follow.

Why Lazlo Hollyfeld, I hear you ask your computer? Well, some people choose weighty thinkers such as Sartre, Plato Kierkegaard, or Ron Burgundy as their philosopher king. Not me. I tend to live my life as though I'm living in the movies, so I have naturally chosen a film character to inspire my genius. And, of course, there's the hint. In the movie "Real Genius," Lazlo Hollyfeld was the guy living in the closet in his pajamas. Rumored to be the smartest guy in the world, Lazlo gets the nod. Sure he's a fictional character, but the other guys are all dead (exept Ron Burgundy, who will always live in our hearts).

Have fun reading and I encourage all to post their thoughts as it may up the IQ of this Blog.



Laz said...

Well at least someone needs to comment. Good work, my boy, good work!

Sladed said...

And so it begins...