Thursday, December 01, 2005

Anyone Out There?

Okay, so I have this need to feel appreciated. And noticed. Well, and to be honest, to have praise heaped on me. Call me needy, but just call.

I have been asking anyone who will listen (thus narrowing the field) why I don't get many comments on my posts. The answers range from "you write too long," to "nobody wants to hear your right-wing drivel," to "have you told anyone about your Blog?" and my favorite, "your posts are so complex and well-written that people are too intimidated to comment." Okay, so the last one was mine.

Mark Twain always said, "if you can't get a compliment, buy yourself one." So here goes: If I can get 10 people to indicate they have read any of this Blog recently by writing a simple "hello" in the comment section, you will all win a new IPod!

So please, if you want a new IPod and for me to be your new best friend, just type h.e.l.l.o. so I know you're still out there. I'm beggin' 'ya.


Laz said...

Hello. I'm giving a freebie.

Anonymous said...

HELLO!!!! You better not be joking around about this Ipod thing!! I'll take mine in silver!! I love YOU!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't need a new ipod but I will get someone else closer to HIS pink one. For the record, I gave you the last compliment.........


Laz said...

Of course I am serious about the IPod. Do you think I would lie? When you get back, I will give it to you personally! (this comment doesn't count toward the 10 BTW)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness-you need therapy! A free Ipod? whatever happened to doing things for the value of doing them and just getting through the joy of the effort? Keep writing and stop begging-you are much better at the writing (although your begging does reach professional levels) because you are gifted and talented and we like to read your entries on our own agenda.

Anonymous said...

Who the #$%&* wrote that last one!! What happened to doing things for the value?? What the hell happened to buying me that pony I asked for like 20 years ago....okay 5 years ago but it would have been a splendid pony!! You are a gifted writer and one that should realize how much your skill with words can truly make a difference, a positive difference!! AL-Ahly RULES!!!

Anonymous said...

K-Dizzle, you are too kind but I already have an I-pod and you have already given me much more than you ever should have!!!

Anonymous said...

No no N Dizzle, I could never repay you for all you have given me, there are truly not enough pink ipods in the world. Hey, a couple more commetns and we will hit 10!
-K Dizzle

Laz said...

Those don't count, you dizzles.

Laz said...

And neither does the one before or this one.

Sladed said...


Sladed said...

Wanted to write more but I'm off to work my $7/hr job. How else is Marc going to be able to stay at USC?

Laz said...

Skip is the only one who followed directions. Don't they pay the kids to go to SC? Oh, that's only the football players.

Laz said...

Skip, by the way, if this new job of yours is going to interfere with your blogging, then I think you know what you'll have to do.

Anonymous said...

Dear Laz,

Corey Sladed,IV has broken his IPOD and he wants a new one. With his father working at a menial $7/hr job Corey will need to pay for it himself. Of course, if Corey gets that $10/hr job at Target then he can buy his father an IPOD. But if Corey logs onto your blog and says h.e.l.l.o. can he get an IPOD? However, since we are enabling parents, can we just log on and claim to be Corey and say h.e.l.l.o.?

Mrs. Sladed

P.S. I agree with Kellen, more humor, less politics. I'm shallow, what can I say!

Anonymous said...

Huhhh? Skip told me to do this but i don't know what this is. and what's an ipod? can i hear sc games during weddings on it? if i can't what good is it?

Laz said...

You guys are despearte for an IPod. Hank can get a PodCast SC game but the season's almost over so he'll have to wait until next year. As for listening to the games at my wedding, you'll wait for next year on that one too.

Laz said...

Well I didn't get 10 posts from 10 separate people but I did get mental therapy advice and encouragement from people with Dizzle in their names. So here's how you get a free IPod: Just visit this site --

Okay, so it was a desperate cry for attention, but at least you all have the opportunity to claim your IPod.

Anonymous said...

this entire exercise scares me more than any of you will ever know. but I do thank you for paying attention to this quite needy man-Laz. even though he should know how talented he is he just doesn't know it but what can we do to build self esteem at 49? maybe send him back to school where they hand that out without a second thought...
Mrs. Laz

Anonymous said...

h.e.l.l.o. is it too late? I didn't get the $10/hr job, but because mrs. sladed opened her mouth now I need to buy mr sladed an ipod
-Corey Sladed IV

Laz said...

A kid changing his last name because he's embarrased of his father. A common story. I suspect your dad will have to wrap up an IPod for the holidays for you.