Saturday, December 10, 2005

Flying the Coop

I am finally getting a chance to visit our "estates" in Virginia again. It's been a long time since I have been back there and it conjures up mixed feelings. On the one hand, I like how DC brings a sense of excitement out of me. On the other, the last time I was there was the day I learned Bill suffered a seizure and Sue told me she was headed to Japan. I remember how frightened she sounded. I told her things would be OK and I would take care of the business. I wanted her to tell Bill to feel comfortable to stay as long as he needed. She told me that she hoped she had a chance to tell him that.

I'm not sure if she knew more than she was telling or it was just a wife's intuition, but she never was able to say another word to him. I know how frustrating that is for me, I wonder how she's dealing with it.

The whole family (what's left of it) saw Sue on Thursday and she's coming by for a visit on Saturday evening. She looks great and seems to be doing well. It's been a big adjustment for her and her kids but they are getting through this together.

All of this is to say I will either have airline time to write more or choose to listen to my IPod (not a free one, mind you) and not write a thing. Not that anyone will notice. By the way, all that talk about getting more comments on the jokes, I barely got any! I got more in a desperate attempt for attention by offering the free IPod. What gives, you occasional readers?


Anonymous said...

Jokes? I no for what you is talking of.

Sladed said...

Unplug the ipod: I am here!

Anonymous said...

Sue does look great, they are working through this very tough loop they have been thrown and it was very comforting to see her and have the entire (minus Cass and Janee and we missed them) family together. Bill's death has really been a difficult experience-a door closed and to be honest it is hard to find the one that is supposed to open-I think it is there but it sure is some days hard to find the little bit of light creeping in. Michael has handled this challenge very well-he just keeps the faith and keeps on going. All experiences in life are worthwhile-to hurt this much you had to have loved an awful lot and that I guess is the good side of things.

Laz said...

Hey, thanks for writing that. Can't wait to get home and begin guessing what presents you got me.