Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Another Trip Around The Sun

When he was younger, the Boy used to call the lies we tell ourselves we will accomplish in the upcoming year, “New Year’s Revolutions.” In a way he was accurate. The New Year represents a revolution around the sun, or, as Big Gus says, “Another trip around the sun.”

I used to keep my revolutions simple like, “I resolve to fly on my own,” or “I will date Diane Lane” -- things that have no chance of happening. By making such impossible goals, I knew I would fall short and be less disappointed going into the year, thereby lessening my disenchantment with more realistic hoped for accomplishments.

It’s another New Year and to keep the up the façade for yet another year, I will endeavor to share with you my revolutions for 2007. Please feel free to add your own or ridicule mine.

1. I resolve to lose 50 pounds. I have succeeded at this only once, but it always tops my list. This also means I will have to swim more or pick up a different exercise regiment.

2. I resolve to be more decisive. I think.

3. I resolve to travel less unless for fun and relaxation, although I am leaving for DC on Saturday.

4. I resolve to date Diane Lane. Why should this be considered such a difficult task?

5. I resolve to creatively beg for forgiveness from Mrs. Laz for the last comment.

6. I resolve to resolve where we should live without regard to who it upsets or makes happy.

7. I resolve to finish my novel or, in the interim, to write a new one since I am so tired of the old one.

8. It would be nifty if I could learn to speak French more fluently – something beyond first year high school French.

9. I have key business decisions to make early in the year and I resolve to make them using impassionate calculation rather than through indecision.

10. I hope to resolve all the unresolved issues in my life and to stop sweating all the small stuff.

Well, that’s it; neither really imaginative nor aggressive. It should be fun to look back at this next year and determine my grade. I always got Cs in the past, let’s see how I do.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Laz,
I would feel great if you accomplished even one half of these reSolutions. I will now proceed to choose them for you:
Lose the weight-it will lead you then in accomplishing other goals (and you will be healthier).
Make business decisions that work for you and you alone-worry not one bit about what affect your decisions will have on others-if they want to tag along with you on your journey then they are welcome but it is your journey.
Live where you want to live, I know I will follow and happily I might add. Know that I will become employed where ever we land and I look forward new adventures always with you.
Stop sweating the small stuff.
I already forgive you for the Diane Lane comment and actually wish you the best on that endeavor.
I hope it is a wonderful year for all of us and that you focus on what Laz wants and then get what Laz wants, maybe with the exception of the Diane Lane issue, if I can be perfectly honest.
All my love,
Mrs. Laz

Laz said...

Well that was a bit personal for a blog. Good thing nobody reads this.

Anonymous said...

Well more poeple read this than you know. But these are all good resolutions save but one. Have faith in yourself. My experience has been that if you really want something you will find a way to achieve it. All it takes is effort and focus.

May all the world have a better year than the last one.

Anonymous said...

Laz, who is DIANE LANE ??and as far
as your revolutions go, I say this
"GOOD LUCK"!!! only because I have
been down that road many times..But
I wish YOU luck and a good year

Anonymous said...

I think if you lose 50 pounds you may have a chance with Diane Lane. I am going to lose 20 pounds and I fully believe that Allen Iverson and I will at least make love once, resulting in a love child that you will ultimately have to care for.
Also, don't move anywhere that would piss me or my little dog off.
You should also resolve to give me 1 mil so I can open Flash's Forver Home.
That is all.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that the Diane Lane date would be a problem for anyone other than Josh Brolin. If he gives you permission I say go for it!

Laz said...

Josh, Josh, Josh, that's all I ever hear. I'm tired of him. I'd treat her better. Ummm, that is if Mrs. Laz allows me out past 9 p.m.

I wonder if Diane Lane or her publicist Googles her name on these blogs. I have a feeling the handcuffs are coming pretty soon -- and not in a kinky way.

Laz said...

In case anyone is wondering, the fifth comment was from my loving daughter. Aren't I lucky?