Wednesday, January 30, 2008

New Year's Revolutions

Well I didn’t quite get this in before the end of the year, but at least it can be noted it was posted before the end of the month. In what is an annual ritual of mixing hope and repentance, I hereby offer my New Year’s resolutions. First, however, forgive me Father, for I have failed to live up to most of my previous resolutions. Let’s hope this year brings greater discipline and focus on meeting my goals, or at least getting close in the areas I can control.

1. Isn’t this always the first one? We all promise to lose weight and when you are writing that you want to lose a total of 60 pounds in 12 months (five pounds per month, a little more than one pound each week) it doesn’t seem so overwhelming. So why can’t I ever reach this one? Two words, perhaps: cookies and candy. I guess it’s a few more words because I have not been that reliable in exercising away the caloric intake caused by my frequent detours of munching on a chocolate Payday when nobody’s looking. Of course at the beginning of a long journey comes the first step so I am looking at the 60-pound figure as a marathon and not a sprint. Since my weight loss for January is 0.00, I have a bit more pressure on me to catch up, but I think I am ready to lose the flabbiness that has come to define me. But, hey, be kind to me if I don’t make this and, for god’s sake, don’t give me that look when you see me sneaking a warm chocolate donut for breakfast. Dooooooonut.

2. Having moved to San Diego, ostensibly, to be more near my friends, I would like to be less ostensible about it and spend more time with them. And I don’t mean more time just because one of my friends is down the hall at my office, I mean more fun time like going to the beach or swimming laps at the YMCA – assuming I can get my membership back.

3. I want to blog more but I also want more comments. Hmmm, how does one do this? I think we have all learned that the famous Free IPod Giveaway post was a bit of a desperate cry for attention. I’ll try to stay away from those kinds of gimmicks. I also may cut back on the political commentary. Lord knows my political observations get very little comment as evidenced by my recent – and I think one of my best – posts that was something of a primer on how to live in another Clinton regime. My goal will be to have five posts each month. I have catching up in this area too, but should be able to squeeze in a few more to make the cut.

4. Here is my usual quixotic quest to alter the way in which I earn a living; even in just small and simple ways. I’d be very grateful to keep my name out of the paper this year unless I am rescuing a little kid named Timmy out of a well. I want what I do to mean something and for me to mean something to somebody for what I am doing. What do they call that word again? Charity? Not sure I am that acquainted with doing things for a purpose other than money so some serious retraining will be necessary. Still, I’ll have my eye out for that elusive greener pasture.

5. This annual pledge is as predictable as the swallows returning to wherever it is they swallow (don’t mean that in a dirty way, Agent 69). I pledge to finish my unfinished novel. The good news is I have a viable beginning middle and an end. The bad news is I have to put the words in the right order so it all makes sense and carries the brooding, interesting story I have imagined. All I have to do is re-write most of the 425 pages and remember the names of my characters. Can’t remember where I heard this, but someone said an “outline” would be helpful in this endeavor. Hmmmm….outline…..

6. This one is counter-intuitive, I suppose. I want to travel more and travel more to interesting places. I really enjoy the experience of walking in and around different cultures and navigating how to say “you give me massage” in numerous unfamiliar languages (OK, Agent 69, that was meant to be dirty). Traveling to faraway places also means I am likely being paid to lounge among the locals so that is also another super secret reason for this mention.

7. On the flip side of Resolution #6 is the goal to be a better husband, parent and friend; something of a trick if I am 11 hours away eating a chocolate Payday. I guess these qualities can be managed together as long as I continue to remember what it is to love someone completely and to meet them as they want to be met. I think it’s about understanding what friends and family want out of life, understanding better their needs and being a safe place for them to land if required. Perhaps it’s quality over volume and, including learning to love myself more, maybe we’ll have something good going in 2008.

8. Even though this is similar to the weight loss promise with my fingers behind crossed behind my back, I want to be more active athletically. I’d like to feel comfortable swimming 3,500 yards per day and have no difficulty walking at a brisk pace for at least an hour. I don’t want to include things like that Sladed character has up his sleeve like running in a marathon or swimming the Channel, and I especially don’t want to commit to having my eyes gouged out and being fish bait in swimming the La Jolla Rough Water. Although I will try to look good enough in a Speedo by September to give it fair thought.

9. I getting near the end, so be patient. This one is a bit subtle and abstract, but I want to have fewer fears. My vacation was partly burdened by fear of not accomplishing a task expected by a client. All was well in the end and my gut told me it was going to be OK, but I still let the irrational fear side of me dictate my mood and outlook. Fear can be debilitating and I have to learn to roll better with the ups and downs of my business life, and life in general. I think I am already seeing signs that I am making strides in this area.

10. And, there is always a silly one in the end. I want to attend a wedding this year that includes people I really care about. Can that be done? Can it?


Anonymous said...

Ok, I hope this meets one of your resolutions in that I am making a comment on your post. I appreciate and approve (!) your resolutions and am willing to support each and every one. I do have a thought or two on some of them:
I think you are a pretty darn good husband and parent (and you are my bff so I think you rock there too). Just continue to be yourself--it is a good self.
I also think you do mean alot to people and in your job have meant a lot and done alot for alot of people. Because of you and your willingness to forge ahead there are many people who have careers, homes, lives filled with good things thanks to you. While the content of what you do does not always thrill you, the way you do it and what you provide to others is amazing, don't ever sell yourself short on that one.
The book, yes the words are all there and as you have said they just need to be put into the right order-this you can do.
Exercise, weight loss and better health? None of the other resolutions are worth crap if you don't get this one in order...your family is here to help and support you.
Be selfish, focus on you and always love your wife-these are my best words of advise to you.
Mrs. Laz

Anonymous said...

I can cross one off for you. Your loser daughter has no job and no money and therefore has become your "charity" case. Done and Done.

Also, I think you should continue to eat the JW chocolate doughnuts. I really don't think that had any calories in it (how could it, it was so light and airy).

Anonymous said...

Well you really said a mouthful there. I think new year's resoulations are shit. I think you just have to decide what you want no matter what time of year it is and go out and accomplish it. Wise words from Yoda do or not do there is no try.

I know you can accomplish all of the goals you listed as you are a great and wonderful soul. You just need to stop thinking about it and do it. I know life isn't always that easy and life seems to get in the way of our plans. But you can do it.

You have helped many people you just don't know it. I think that is the grand plan anyway. Then we don't get a fat head. We can stay humble. Don't let fear get in your way. It has taken me a long time to overcome a lot of my fears but I am at peace with most of my life and no matter what I don't fear the future because it always works out in the end. Maybe not the way we always expect it.

Just know at first glance I loved you with a thousand hearts.

Laz said...

Wow, what nice comments! If course it would be helpful to know the identity of the last comment writer (gee, I hope it's not a guy). Thank you all.

Em, you will get a job and own my butt and I will be your charity case. Just take your time and find what makes you happy.

Sladed said...

1 and 8 go hand-in-hand. I suppose you can do one and not the other but you'll find some synergy there if you put some effort in both. 2 kind of fits in there as well, especially if you spend time with friends doing things besides eating.

5 posts a month is quite ambitious if you ask me, especially if you're spending time with friends. But I'll be here to comment on whatever you post. Don't give up on political posts, though. Just because you don't always get comments doesn't mean they aren't being read.

Your resolutions/goals are admirable and ambitious. Go forward without fear (#9). The future is now. The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. You are what... well, you get the idea.

Anonymous said...

Sir LAZ, all of what you wrote isreasonable,and you have reached out and given insperation to some and allowed others to look at the
things they can do when following
a dream..
Keep going with the book!! just be
the fun person you are and live the
life given you...
One last thought!! do NOT grace
beachs in a speedo!!