Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Where In The World Is Dick Cheney?

The Boy and I were talking the other day and he posed the question, Has anyone seen Dick Cheney these days? I have to admit, I haven’t seen him on TV or in any news reports for several months.

This leads one to put the thinking cap on and figure out what he’s up to. Now The Boy believes he’s been clinically dead for years but has been kept alive by an intricate set of machinery powered by pure evil. Perhaps there is a glitch in the machinery and he’s been in for repairs or, in The Boy’s mind, perhaps he is working his way through the world and eating innocents as they scramble from his path.

I have a better theory and I think it casts a better light on our VP. I think he’s been saddling up on unmanned drones and raining fiery death on terrorists in the Middle East. Can’t you just see him riding a drone, twirling his cowboy hat and yelling “yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hooooooooooooooo!” as he takes out another bad guy? If so, I say let him have his fun. His term is almost up.


TSP said...

Not trying to be a partisan dick or anything, but this image of Cheney would be more believable if had jumped at the opportunity to kill "terrorists" in Vietnam but he chose (five times) to stay home.

Instead, I picture him somewhere deep underground in Washington, planning a way to turn puppies into a renewable fuel source. That'll teach those damn hippie environmentalists....

And yes, we are both now on the terror watch list.

Anonymous said...

Good Lord people. How you can come up with the most disgusting images I will never know.

Try and picture some positive images instead of negative ones for a change and the world will be a better place


Sladed said...

Thinking about Cheney naturally leads me to think about the next vice president. And this makes me not want to vote for anyone. How different this election might have been had there been a viable 3rd party candidate!

Anonymous said...

Yikes !! your imagery of Cheney doing a "Dr. strangelove" is good.

The boy's theroy is interesting to
say the least. you both have very
disturbing thoughts though their
UNIQUE none the less...