Wednesday, December 03, 2008

In Memory Of My Grandma (and others)

Seven years ago my grandmother died and three years ago I wrote this about her. I would write about her again, but what I wrote a few years ago seems to sum it up best.

This year, the anniversary of my mother's death and the day my mother-in-law passed went without notice. I'm not sure, but I think it is a good thing that we eventually forget such solemn days. Maybe it's a sign we're moving on, if that's possible, with losing people we cared about so deeply.

In any event, I wanted to remember my grandmother on this day and it made me look back at what I wrote earlier and I know I liked reading it again. I'm not sure if you will but, what the heck, this is a vanity blog.

Editor's Note: I originally had this planned to post on December 3, the actual anniversary of her death but my friggin' Dell piece o' crap computer froze up and I lost the post.


Laz said...

Well, what do you know, Blogger saved it on the day I frist wrote it. Take that, stupid Dell Computers!

Sladed said...

I remember your wonderful tribute to your grandmother. I think eventually we sometimes stop focusing so much on the date of someone's passing and think more about what they've meant to us, how they've affected our lives, and memories of things that happened before they were no longer with us.

Unless of course you're Jewish. In which case you quietly remember their passing by lighting a yartzit candle that burns for 24 hours on the anniversary of their passing. But even then you think about those other things.

"May the memory of good people bless our days."