Friday, December 05, 2008

Movin' On

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately because, well, I've had a lot of time to think.

The weeks since the presidential election, I have been getting dozens of e-mails ranging anywhere from urging me to make calls on behalf of both Senate candidates in Georgia, to dire warning of financial collapse because Obama is in the driver's seat on the Good Ship Recession, to even e-mails that explain in great detail how Obama is the Anti-Christ.


So I don't feel like that Japanese soldier who gets stumbled upon in 1958 on an outer island still fighting World War II, I have decided to stop paying attention to these e-mails. I've also decided no more conspiracy theories and no more conservative talk radio for a while. I think it's time to move on politically and just have fun with the process of living. As one of our leading modern philosophers, Rodney King, once said, "Can't we all just get along?" Hope so.


Sladed said...

I agree, though I still listen to talk radio once in a while. Mostly, though, I've been listening to SPORTS talk radio. You see, since the guy I voted for lost, I wanted to here about how big a losers nearly ALL the sports teams in San Diego.

Side note: Funny you should mention Rodney King. We watch a facinating cable reality show called celebrity rehab and he is one of the people on there getting treatment. The show is interesting, facinating, realistic, and well done. Rodney was never innocent of being a screw-up but you can see how he also got a raw deal, how badly all of that notoreity made things worse, and how it screwed up his life further. I honestly feel bad for the guy.

Sladed said...

Oh, and one more thing...hopefully this won't get me in trouble but, even though I voted NO on prop 8 and it passed, I think "Movin' on" is what the people who voted NO need to do. Protesting how the electorate voted is rediculous and I think unAmerican. There are lawsuits. Fine. Let those run through the system. But protesting in the street--carrying signs, marching-- because you didn't get your way is wrong.

Laz said...

I agree with your second comment. If the protesters had put as much energy into the election, the outcome may have been different. Even if we disagree with the outcome, we have to respect the will of the voters. Although Anarchy doesn't look like such a crazy idea these days.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Sladed is just saying that cuz I won't take my No on 8 bumper stickers off my car.

Anonymous said...

Let us ALL "move on" in many area's
in our delightful society....

Anonymous said...

Yes I think everyone needs to move on to better things.

But I guess we still need to get through the tough times.