Monday, July 18, 2016

With The Clintons, Always Follow The Money

It took the Clintons to get me back to blogging.  They are like a permanent virus and no amount of anti-fungal spray will get them to go away and be content counting their Euros, Dinars, Rupees, Rubles and Riyals.  For those under 40, you haven’t come close to seeing the perfect marriage of corruption and cover up like you’re about to see should Hillary and Bill turn the White House back into a hillbilly theme park with pay turnstiles at the doors and rides in the Lincoln Bedroom for those who can buy the complete package.

The world has done its best to keep the unindicted conspirators off the front pages.  A crazed lunatic in Nice, a faked coup in Turkey and a war on police instigated by our healer-in-chief president has meant less attention on the Clintons by the ADHD press.  Perhaps that’s unfair.  Old timers in the press certainly know it won’t take much time for the Clintons to draw attention back to themselves and they can revisit the most recent scandals again in the near future.

While the world was burning and leaders were fiddling, I was thinking about the way the Clintons work and something is not quite adding up.  We were all amazed at how brazen Bill appeared when he met with Attorney General Lynch at the zenith of her DOJ investigation of his wife’s rather elaborate efforts to evade transparency in the opaquest administration in history.

It doesn’t take much effort to acknowledge these two didn’t expect to have their private tarmac meetup made public.  It took only a little more effort to recognize this wasn’t a chance encounter between the two jetsetters.  Bill Clinton said he had been playing golf in 108-degree heat with a bad heart and that was his reason for being in the desert.  A local reporter (and only the local reporter) dispatched that lie quite quickly by calling around to all the major golf courses to see if Bill was taking his share of mulligans at their course since a former president doesn’t just show up and hope he can get a round of 18 in before the sun goes down.  Special precautions need to be made and this would leave a trail.  A trail that should have been quite easy for any reporter to track down.  So, first and foremost, Bill lied about the reason he was in Phoenix.  If the first statement is a lie, the rest of the story must be a doozie. 

As for the attorney general, the top law enforcement official in the land, the one person who sets the tone for our nation’s legal system and the person responsible for upholding the blindfolded Lady of Justice, well, she was also lying. 

Someone with fulltime FBI protection knows exactly what’s on the ground in front of them.  They certainly know if there’s a former president lurking between the Gulfstreams.  It also means her security detail was notified in advance that Bill wanted to talk about grandkids and golf as she was on her way to nationalizing our local police forces.  It gave her plenty of time to make one of two decisions:  1.  Meet the husband of the key target in a DOJ investigation and a likely witness to a larger investigation or, 2. Avoid the perp as any sensible prosecutor would do and even as she admitted later she should have done.  Any belief she was cornered into the meeting not only doesn’t make sense from a security standpoint, but she shouldn’t have needed more than 30 seconds to tell Bill to go lurk somewhere else and he wasn’t welcome on her jet (and what’s up with her having a jet?  I was on a commercial plane with Janet Reno once and all 6’2” of her was sitting in a middle seat in coach.)

So there were two lies told of how the impromptu meeting came about.  From there it doesn’t take much to reason the rest of what they said were also lies. From both of them.  What was discussed during the 30 or so minutes on the plane is up for conjecture, but the official story is beyond laughable.  However, I like to think I have a pretty good idea of the subject.

For those of you who didn’t live through the first round of the Clintons (and God bless you), you’ll need to understand there is always a far worse story behind the bad story the press reports.  They don’t mind being accused of robbing a bank if it keeps the public and law enforcement off the fact they shot the bank tellers.  So all the assumptions that have been made that Bill was just standing up for his gal have to be looked at through this prism.

There were two obvious reasons Bill wasn’t seeking information about the investigation into his wife.  One is, he doesn’t like her much other than she’s his ticket back into the White House and, two, he already knew the outcome of the investigation.

So much attention was spent on FBI Director James Comey but few stopped to understand he was just investigating a referral by the inspector general for our intelligence agencies through the Department of Justice.  It certainly didn’t come about because some gumshoe in the FBI was acting on a hunch and thought to himself, “hmmmm, I wonder why Hillary destroyed all those emails that were under subpoena from several government agencies and federal lawsuits?”  Instead it came prepackaged with the investigation parameters already established by the Department of Justice. 

By Comey repeating himself ad nauseam with the word “intent,” he wasn’t ignoring the various laws Hillary was undeniably guilty of violating.  He was signaling that the referral was only about proving intent.   In the end, the investigators asked her – not under oath, mind you – “did you intend to violate several statutes?”  She says no and the case is closed.  So no need for Bill to get on his knee and beg Lynch for mercy or offer her jobs or money to convince the “career prosecutors” there is nothing wrong with housing highly classified documents on an Atari in her bathroom.  Even if that’s all Bill wanted to convey, there were other ways to get to Lynch that didn’t require private jets playing footsie.  Bill could have even noted the signal President Obama was sending by agreeing to campaign with Hillary before the investigation was over.

So what was so important that Bill had to speak to the AG about in private?  The easy answer comes from the two things he cares most about:  money and power (well, plus young women).  And here is as good as any place to offer my apologies that you had to read this far to get to the meat of the matter.  But if you want to get dialed in on the way the next four years will go should Hillary be elected, you need to get used to reading to the bottom of things because the answers about them is never at the top.

There was a simple thing the Department of Justice did two days after the tarmac meeting and it amazes me still that no pundits have put the pieces together or understood its meaning and gravity.  The DOJ, on behalf of the Department of State, filed a motion in a Freedom ofInformation lawsuit to ask a judge to approve a 27-month delay in disclosing 34,000 emails between key Hillary staffers and the Clinton Foundation.  The reason they gave the judge in seeking a delay was because they originally thought there were just 6,000 responsive emails only to learn there were 28,000 more that came to light because they were not in State’s possession.  Guess where they were?  Yup, on Hillary’s private server.

This was for four staff members, two of whom were doing double duty working for the silly taxpayers and either the Clinton Foundation or Teneo, a PR firm founded by a Clinton pal.  This works out to 700 emails per month between them, or 35 per day.  Makes a person wonder how they found time to do their work at State, cover up for Hillary’s misdeeds and still keep the Foundation supplied with top secret information.

We don’t know what’s in those 34,000 emails and it’s pretty certain we never will if Hillary becomes president.  In 27 months, she would be more than halfway through her second year as president and one needn’t be too creative to see how those 34,000 conversations get wrapped up in executive privilege. 

With the Clintons, as it was with Nixon, one must always follow the money.  The money gets Hoovered up in the Clinton Foundation by the truckload.  With that much money, it should be pretty easy for the press and law enforcement to follow.  I sit here and wonder why they don’t.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's too bad there is so much news around the world that all of the attention paid to Hillary is quickly going down the memory hole. Now all of the focus is on the Republican Convention and, naturally, the attention is put on missteps rather than substance of what the speakers are saying. Next week the attention will turn to Hillary and what a perfect convention the Democrats have run. Her VP pick, regardless of who it is, will be the best pick ever made by a candidate and her numbers will go up in the polls as all candidates get a convention bump. So when will the subject of her emails come up again. For a bit less than a week, all of the pundits were writing about it or talking about it on the talk shows. Will this be another example of what the Clintons always tell us, "Oh, that's old news?" That this woman could be considered a candidate for a job at the post office is laughable. That she could be considered to become the highest government official in the U.S. is downright scary.