Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The Girl Goes Bye-Bye

The Girl has hatched a plan to move into an apartment with a male friend who shares her very odd sense of humor. Both also are not in possession of a rudeness filter that most people have developed past the age of three. She may have just found a roommate she can live with.

She has a move-out date scheduled in which she will take a few household items but leave behind a dog. What are the odds of that happening? Well, I have mixed emotions about her messing up her own living space. I want her to have the opportunity to live on her own but I have to admit that Mrs. Laz and I are a bit sad to see her go. We’ve gotten pretty used to the little crapper around the house hogging the remote control. We have had so many wonderful moments with her it’s difficult to imagine the day the house will grow a bit quieter as she moves on to the next stage of her life. Please be well, my little Purple.


Sladed said...

$90 per month per person? Within a mile of the beach?

Laz said...

Uh, that was 1976 when life was good and we honked our horns instead of using cell phones.