Thursday, August 17, 2006

No Vote Of Confidence

There were mixed reviews from my readership on the relevancy of political posts. Perhaps the following bit of political flexibility will be refreshing to those who don’t agree with my political punditry, and eye-opening to those who like political posts and also likely agree with most of my views.

This is difficult for me, but here is what I want to say: the republicans don’t deserve to run our government past this November.

This isn’t to suggest the democrats will do any better. But republicans have simply done nothing to warrant a mandate to lead any longer, and a few years on the back bench may be about the only thing that will wake them up. And even on this I am not sure, as their inability to lead in even minimal ways is impossible to notice.

While it can be said that Congressional (or at least House) republicans stopped the president (and democrats) on a hopeless immigration policy, they were neither forceful nor consistent in doing so. I can’t even be sure they would have stopped the immigration lunacy if the public and talk radio hadn’t made so much noise that it eventually drowned out the terribly misguided marches for what essentially was illegal immigration. And the worse part of it was, they had to override the president – the top of their own party – just to give us what we already have: one very lousy immigration policy.

On the issue of rising fuel costs, the republicans are AWOL too. How many people would have given the president and republicans a pat on the back if only they had suggested a Manhattan-Project-like program to find alternative sources for energy? We built a city in Tennessee and then an atomic bomb in 23 months, why on earth haven’t we been able to find something other then dead dinosaur innards to put in our gas tanks? There has been absolutely no leadership from republicans on alternative energy and instead, it looks to the average person like republicans are only protecting their Big Oil friends.

When President Bush took office, he inherited a budget surplus and an economy that was creating jobs. Sure, the dot com bubble had just burst to be shortly replaced by the mortgage-based economy and subsequent burst, but false economies aside, the federal purse was overflowing in early 2001. Five budgets later and we’re back in the hole to the tune of trillions of dollars as the republican-led Congress and our compassionate conservative president have spent like drunken sailors. Yes the war on terror has cost money and yes our economy took a hit following 9/11, but there is no excuse for the kinds of excess spending that has occurred on the republican’s watch.

Perhaps the most disheartening turn in the party has been in its truly whacko foreign policy. From Iraq to Lebanon to Latin America, it’s like watching the Seinfeld episode when Elaine is in the Bizarro World. The push has been for democratization but instead of getting freely elected, friendly governments, we’ve legitimized terrorist groups like Hezbollah and Hamas, radical groups in Iraq and Iran, and propped up fraudulent governments in Ukraine, Republic of Georgia, Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan. At the same time we have continued to get into bed with heartless dictators because of the tired policy that states, “an enemy of my enemy is a friend of mine.”

The republicans think the wolf is at the door in the Middle East but they don’t seem to notice that the wolf has opened the back door and moved in to the spare bedroom in Latin America. Hugo Chavez has turned Latin America into his own political experiment and we do nothing as one country after another falls into his leftist camp. Well, we seem to have one response to our neighbors to the south. We tell them if they don’t like it down there, we’ll always have room for more up here.

Perhaps the final foreign policy blunder is the monumentally stupid U.N. resolution introducing an international peacekeeping force into Southern Lebanon. This will go down in history as a treaty of appeasement unseen since Munich in 1938. The cast will have changed with Bush playing the role of Neville Chamberlain and the rest of the world as French President Daladier, but the result will be the same: the world will have given in to a weaker power for the sake of pretending we have peace in our time.

You have to know you have a bad deal when you are in the midst of self-congratulation with the French while people in Iran, Syria, Palestine, and southern Lebanon are declaring victory. You think you would notice this if you were the president and his Secretary of State, who continues her live version of the Peter Principle with each passing day. Secretary Rice even had the gal to say the worthless U.N. resolution does not envision the disarming of Hezbollah, which is nothing more than a proxy militia of Syria and Iran. And she said this without a hint of laughter. Of course the ink was barely dry on U.N. Resolution 1559 – proclaiming Hezbollah must be disarmed – before it was washed from the memory of the diplomatic dilettantes in the world.

The state of leadership in the world stinks right now and I’m afraid that President Bush and his fellow republicans are the stinkees. I have no faith in the democrats to do a better job, but they at least seem eager (perhaps the word is “drooling”) to lead again. So let them. Let’s see them put their plans into action. I often wonder what the world would look like today had 250 voters had a sudden change of heart in Florida back in 2000. With Gore as president, what would he have done after 9/11? Would our women be wearing burkas by now or would Gore simply have put the terrorists to sleep with a series of harsh rhetorical speeches? Who knows, but it is an honor to be given a mandate by the voters to lead and not to be taken for granted. The republicans seem to take us for granted and deserve to be taken into the political woodshed for a spell to learn a hard and painful lesson.


Laz said...

If you don't like this post, can you at least help get three more comments in the previous post to surpass the stupid IPOD post? Thanks, that would be really nice.

Anonymous said...

OK, call me rigid, but I don't mind reading the political stuff if I agree with you.

Sladed said...

As a Republican most of the time I...AGREE with you. You have made many good points and back them ALL up. On the other hand, I am less enthusiastic about seeing what the Democrats will do.

You are the first person I've heard criticize Condi Rice who wasn't a Bush-hater.

Good post. I think people still need to comment on your Happy Birthday To Me post. It's a must-read!

Laz said...

I don't want the democrats back in power and shudder to think what a Pelosi/Reid cabal would do to us. But the republicans would only continue to be democrat-lite if they are voted in again. They need to be shaken from their foundation but I don't expect that to happen even if they lose (the dems didn't after 1994 so I suspect this is a political affliction that is difficult for the average person to understand).

As for Condi, I love her as a learned voice of reason, especially her knowledge of Russia. But I just don't think she has the "balls" to act like the top diplomat in the world. They build consensus in the academic and diplomatic world and that means they trade their own beliefs to get along. I want Bush to put the cowboy hat back on and for Condi to put the spurs in the hind quarters of the horse that used to be America.

Laz said...

Hey, Call Me Rigid, let me know (secretly) who you are so we can agree some more. I also wonder if I have guessed your identity correctly.

Anonymous said...

Where has the soul of the world gotten too. Or for that matter everyone's soul. Is all that matters to people anymore is the meaningless slaughter of the world and all that is in it? All politics is anymore and maybe all that it has ever been is, is to get as much as you can for monitary gain or how much power you can get.

Where are the warriors who will fight for what is really right? You make valid points all of them correct. But how will it all end? Will Good finally win out or will it be final disaster?

Anonymous said...

It seems that we keep repeating an exericse over and over. One party comes into power and positions and leads our states and/or country....slowly but surely though things in the party of power seem to slowly unravel until we get to the point where we want to hand the reigns over to the "other" party just out of spite and desire to see them run things into the ground for a change. How productive is this? It seems so silly to swing the tide from one extreme to the other. Where are the leaders with staying power who can stand strong with their convictions and their focus? Are they all reduced to short term gain for themselves and for their party-is the shelf life of a leader/party/policy just that short these days? And when will we learn not to repeat history? Or is this just the outcome of blocks of four years of leadership also known as democracy? I really don't know.

Laz said...

This is really the problem, isn't it? The republicans are mostly conservative and the democrats are almost nearly liberal. There is no middle ground so no reasonable person to turn it over to. It's been especially bad the last 14 years with two very polarizing presidents. Personally, I don't have a problem with Bush but a few of his choices have been a bit whacky. With Clinton, he just gave me the feeling you get when you drive off a used car lot with a 1978 Chevy Vega that he sold you for $10,000 telling you it was the best buy of your life. Besides, a recent poll (for what it's worth) showed only 11% of Americans wanted him invloved if his sort of wife won the presidency, so much for the co-presidency idea.

I'm not sure of the answer until we break the spell of the two party system. I hear tell that if McCain doesn't win the republican nomination, he will run as an independent. If he's up against Hilary (make no mistake, a very big liberal), and a conservative such as George Allen, Mc Cain will win in a cakewalk if he doesn't have another emotional meltdown. His poll numbers are 58 percent support among republicans, 58 percent among democrats, and 58 percent among independents. Enough to win the general but probably not enough to win the primary. Not saying I'd support him, but at least he would be less-polarizing and less subject to party politics.

Tina Turner said we don't need another hero. I think she was wrong.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the cowboy hat was dusted off and worn yesterday, haven’t seen that forcefulness in ‘W’ for a while. Finally.

Condi needs to put the spurs on and forget about the political BS and tell the UN where to put there 1559 because it is another bunch of useless rhetoric.

Israel needs to unleash a whooping of the likes we haven’t seen in a long time and eliminate Iran, Syria and Hezbollah off the face of the earth. Of course that’s what I would do. Oh stop crying about collateral damage, do you even remember September 11? As sure as you bleeding liberals forgot about that you will forget about this page in history so SHUT UP.

You liberals out there can kiss my ass, you know this is what needs to be done.

And don’t start talking to me about our service men and women getting killed in Iraq. I don’t mind dying for my country one bit, after all it is a volunteer armed services. So shut the hell up. If you don’t like it here go live in Iraq, I will allow you two items to choose from, a piece sign or firearm, your choice.

Oh, lets add North Korea to the recipient of a pellet as well, unfortunately it skipped my mind.

Am I bitter, yes? We have actors in this country spewing foreign policy ideas. Screw all of them, you know who you are. Act, being real is not what you are capable of, you all sold your souls when you started pontificating at your ‘events’, Shut up.

On to Hillary, are you all kidding me, it isn’t going to happen. The Demos need another candidate and they are fooling themselves if they remotely think she has a chance, I hope she gets the nomination, if she does, Republican or an independent will get the job. Hell the women of this country hate her, see the polls?

A couple of other items, did you notice how the Italians so gracefully pissed on the French croissants by stepping up to the plate in leading the piece keepers! Another victory post the world cup, I love it.

Immigration, my family immigrated properly, according to the law. Deport all that are illegals and go through the proper channels. If the laws need to be changed do them properly. NO AMNESTY even for the fugitive bitch in the so called church in New York. Marshals should walk in and remove her, take her downtown, finger print her, get some DNA and deport her sorry ass. Her child can stay or go. I really don’t care.

Don’t get me started on ‘Americans won’t do what the illegals will’ job discussion, as I will put my economic boot on and shove it up your ass, bring it on if you like.

We need another Roosevelt that will take it to the enemy. NO more pussy footing around and discussions about hurt feelings. Tell that to a wife, son, daughter, father, Grandparents, mother who has lost a son or daughter to this conflict. We sit here home safe and sound everyday, talk on our cell phones while we drive others off the road, bitch about reservations or appointments missed because of traffic etc. Half way around the world our soldiers are in sand, heat, cold and want only to survive to the next day and then next till they get to come home. Think about them, every day. It should be your first thought as you awake and the last before you go to sleep, safe and secure in your bed at night. Thank you!

WE ALL need to remember the sacrifice put forth for what we have in this country today. Next time you see an armed service or any person that protects you and your family in any way say thank you!

Anonymous said...

Mr.LAZ, there is much to be said in
agreement with your thoughts; I was
starting to think that I was being
a"traitor" to consertive ideas by not supporting the existing views
of the administration.... Truth be
known,I would like to see a more
POWERFULL AMERICAN image projected
to those that "doubt" our ability
to really produce "shock & awe"
but the again I have a non-PC view
on life as we know it !!!