Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Coulter Says It Best

The more or less universally hated Ann Coulter (at least by liberals) makes good points in her most recent column. She addresses the imans who were not allowed on the U.S. Airways flight to Phoenix the other day, likely resulting in numerous lawsuits and plenty of harrumphs. Read Ann if you're interested.


Anonymous said...

Anne Coulter is right. And funny! I have never read any of her stuff and have had a somewhat negative reaction to her when I've seen her on television...and I was NOT impressed. At the Big Bookstore her books have many counterpoint books that attack her and what she says. I think she goes a little over the top on this column but makes a good point.

By the way, nice job on the live link!

Laz said...

She is over the top but makes a lot of good points. You should read her more often. I know Jr. won't as he hates her.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you put this on here to try to get people to read this or whether you actually believe the vitriol this controversy craving woman puts down on paper. Either way you should be ashamed of yourself as you are far too intelligent to encourage such intolerance. You know better than this!! Don't stoop so low!!

Laz said...

I add the Daily Kos to my links and then get accused of spreading vitriol? You should read Coulter from time to time. Yes, she loves to shock, but she also makes some very good points. If I can read Maureen Dowd, you can certainly read Coulter from time to time. Stop being so myopic in your thinking and read a little right-wing tripe -- it will do you good.

Anonymous said...

These points you speak of can be made without all the silly and offensive language. You include a link to an Ann Coulter column and then accuse me of being myopic??? Hmmmmm.....

Laz said...

I agree Coulter gets too full of herself and can turn off people to her writing. It's evident in the linked column that she can't resist the jab and poke between the eye.

However, I was only accusing you of being myopic, my anonymous friend, because I have several links to other, more refined and liberal sites, and have lately been an equal opportunity basher.

Most of my readers wouldn't naturally read Ann Coulter so I thought it would at least be a good science experiment to include some of her writing. I would think it is the epitome of myopic if one only read the same kinds of opinion without the occasional look at what others are saying.

Just to be fair, I will follow with a posting of a different viewpoint on the clash of cultures and the effect it has on air travel. If you have one handy, it would be all the easier for me to post.

Anonymous said...

Laz, I say "GO ANN" she speaks for
me and many others; what she said
in her article really struck a chord with my feelings!!! yes I
know that us "little folks" don't
matter to the liberal groups; but
if enough get to the point of " I
ANYMORE",well who knows what might
happen !!!!!