Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Big 3-0

What can I say, she loves me. As far-fetched as it appears, Mrs. Laz has officially stuck with me -- off and on -- for 30 years now. That’s a lot of thin and not too much thick and a lot of oysters without too many pearls. No sense questioning her sanity because a reasonable evaluation of the facts does not support her 30-year commitment to me. In fact, if we’re talking about committing, it should be in the context of rubber walls and straight jackets for at least one of us.

Back in 1978, under the evening sky and low-flying aircraft we got hitched. Neither of us was old enough to shave back then, but we thought we were and we thought we had the maturity to endure. And despite the fact that we probably we’re too young and had too much confidence in our version of maturity we strung 30 years of marriage together. Just chalk it up to the fact that we grew into adulthood together and, for some reason, it just worked.

I was a little caught off guard by this anniversary because it’s not a “Silver” or a “Gold” or even a “Platinum” wedding anniversary. I am not even sure what gift category this falls under, although I guessed, incorrectly I am told, that it is aluminum foil. And with my well-stated aversion to “magic numbers,” I just figured it was no different than 29 years. Turns out, I was wrong.

To get out of my lack of proper preparation for this marriage milestone, I tried to dazzle her with my typical facts and figures. I told her that we have slept through one-third of our marriage, so that brings us down to 20 years. Then we have to take away the years she didn’t like me very much plus subtract the number of days I have been on the road. I think the math brings us down to about 14 years. Please don’t tell me that a 14-year anniversary deserves special notice.

This year’s anniversary has turned out to have a similar pattern as many other anniversaries and birthdays. She is at home and I am elsewhere, so we are celebrating our anniversary in multiple time zones and on different continents. Which reminds me (at the wrong time, as usual) of an old Woody Allen joke when he explains he is divorcing his wife. It was suggested that he and his wife take a vacation or get divorced. After some thought, he decides on the divorce by figuring a vacation is over in two weeks, but a divorce is something you always have. Maybe Mrs. Laz will skip over that last segment.

Lord knows I don’t know what she sees in me but she means the world to me. Happy anniversary from the land of dust and hairy women.


Anonymous said...

Well my dear Laz that was one of the nicer Hall-Mike cards I've ever gotten. I think I am the luckiest person on the planet because you chose me and you have stuck with "us". I know you are worth every ounce of effort and can't even imagine how my life would have been without you and all you have given me. I love you too, dearly and eternally.
Thanks for the 30 past and the 30 to come, now you come home safe and soon and we can start on the next "milestone" that I know you so appreciate.
Love and thanks,
Mrs. Laz

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to both of you! Whether or not this is a "magic number" anniversary, (by the way, what number is aluminum foil???), the sheer accomplishment of sticking together through 30 years of life is not to be underestimated. There are many broken marriages littered along the side of the road.

Perhaps your marriage was a result of youthful indiscretion or wisdom beyond your years, but it doesn't matter, because you both know that marriage isn't something you do for the party, but rather to make the commitment to journey together and to face all that life throws at you. Mazel Tov on achieving what so many only dream about!

Mrs. Sladed

P.S. The traditional 30th anniversary gift are Pearls.

Laz said...

Mrs. Sladed, you are very cruel. I can't afford pearls!

Anonymous said...

I think Mrs. Sladed is brilliant, perhaps even more brilliant than a pearl. And speaking of brilliant Laz, you might have to work on that!!!
Thanks Mrs. Sladed, I knew I liked you from the moment I met you, you have always been wise too.
Mrs. Laz

Sladed said...

This is very good information, Mrs Sladed. It lets me know I have almost 4 years to save up for this anniversary. Thanks Laz and Mrs. Laz for blazing the trail.