Well, as usual, someone said it better than I did. What hurts about this is, it has come from someone who doesn't live in the U.S. and is not written in her native language. To make matters worse, she is not living in her native country and therefore has at least three languages rolling around between her ears (I also think she speaks French, so maybe four).
She decided to be long-winded on a comment to my post What Is Wrong With The World?, and wrote her response on her own blog. It's worth reading and poking fun at her misspellings and getting her to explain her yoghurt and soup metaphor. I will also link to her blog on the right column because she always has something to say and, occasionally, it is interesting and usually well-written.
1 comment:
The soup/yogurt saying is a mot-a-mot translation from Romanian, roughly referring to someone learning too much from a mistake and becoming overcautious without any reasonable basis for it.
The yoghurt/yogurt thingie: Old friend Merriam-Webster lists as main entry YOGURT, and as variant YOGHURT. Is that the misspelling you were referring to? If there is any other, it is a typo.
As for the languages I speak - English, French, Spanish, all three to a degree of fair fluency. I also understand written Portuguese (the spoken one is a tad too difficult for me at this stage though), Italian (being so close to Romanian), German (getting slowly better and better) and a bit of Dutch (in this respect I admit I AM weird, I find this language funny and interesting, and I voluntarily went to a paid by myself first level class, only to see how I should get around and grasp this one).
Even though it sounds impressive, it does not help me much in Germany to get a job. Nevertheless, learning new languages is something I enjoy awfully much. I keep looking for an opening as professional foreign language learner (not student, just learner). It would be the perfect job for me.
This said, thanks a bunch for the kind words, Mr. Laz. I feel so proud to have earned the right of having an entire distinct post only about my too outspoken self. I hope you realize that this will by no means diminish my garrulousness.
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